Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why Red Fruits and Vegetables are good Anti Aging Foods

If a doctor told you that you could reduce the risk of prostate cancer, lower your LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce tumor growth and support joint tissue health in those with arthritis, would you change your diet? What if the doctor told you that by eating more fruits and vegetables you could live longer and stay younger looking - would you start eating less processed foods then?

I have changed my diet. I can feel the difference after eating vegetable-based meals that have lots of color to them. The result are in, I have a lot more energy. I do not get fatigued or run out of energy as quickly as when I eat a fried meal. Not only will you feel the difference from eating well, you are also preparing your body to defend itself against any ailment. Take a look at some of the red fruits and vegetables that do the body good:

            *Blood Oranges
            *Pink and Red
            *Red Apples
            *Red Bell Peppers
            *Red Grapes
            *Red Onion
            *Red Pear
            *Red Peppers
            *Red Potatoes

These red fruits and vegetables contain nutrients such as lycopene, ellagic acid, quercetin and hesperdin, just to name to name a few. You may have heard that tomatoes contain a great deal of lycopene. What you may not know is that lycopene helps fight collagenases. Collagenases are enzymes that that destroy the collagen in your body. If you are trying to look young, your body needs more collagen. When wrinkles and facial lines are visible, you are witnessing what a lack of collagen looks like. Eat your red fruit and veggies - especially tomatoes!

If you have been reading my posts, I have detailed many foods that can keep you looking and feeling your best. If you’ve not been keeping up, please visit my last three posts: Dark Green Vegetables, Super Foods That Keep Your Skin Looking Great and Garlic a Super Food. In conjunction with eating well, using Red Light Therapy can shave years off of your skin and will keep you looking vibrant and healthy. Take care and eat well!


  1. Good article, it is the case that we will as we get older become totally fascinated with ageing and how to slow down the process. I doubt we will ever see a fountain of youth or immortality but with good diet, exercise and a skin care regime we can look younger for longer.stem cell center

  2. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading.Nice blog,I will keep visiting this blog very often.

    Infrared radiation is invisible light radiation with a wavelength in the range of 400.000nm to 760nm, the source of the higher temperature, the infrared radiation with wavelengths as small.

  3. Go fruity. Eat loads of fruits and vegetables. Focus on fruits that are rich in Vitamin C and copper because these compounds help protect the skin. check cool ageexperts site here
