Monday, May 13, 2013

Could your Gallbladder or Liver be clogged?

In my last blog we discussed the possibility of having gallstones in your liver or gallbladder and how to recognize the symptoms. Today we will continue our discussion and look at some of the other symptoms that might let you know if you could have a congested liver or gallbladder.  

Let’s examine the face to see if your body is telling you that something internally is not right. Have you ever noticed a vertical wrinkle between your eyebrows? If you have one, two, or even three vertical wrinkles you might have an accumulation of gallstones in your liver. These lines represent frustration or work that you liver has gone through when gallstones prevent proper bile flow. Have you ever noticed a green or dark color around your temple area? This could represent that the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen are under active due to the presence of gallstones. Have you recently noticed that you skin has become oily just on your forehead?  This could be a symptom of poor liver performance.  The same applies to excessive perspiration in this part of the head. If any of your excretory organs are weak or not functioning properly your facial skin can have a yellow color or hue about it. If none of these symptoms apply to you then congrats your excretory organs are probably fine and you are in good health.

Let me state that I am not a doctor and all of the aforementioned symptoms are a compilation of things that I have read recently. I can state that my wife has just completed a gallbladder/ liver cleanse and she seems to be in better health than she has been in years. I myself plan to do the same cleanse in the next month or so. I will most likely be blogging about my experience and results.

If none of this applies to you and you are seeking youthful, clear, and wrinkle free looking skin then LED Therapy is what you need. LED Therapy is one of the safest, non-toxic, and drug free ways to combat aging skin, treat facial acne, and relax stiff or sore muscles. It is amazing how well these products work.

Have a great Day! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Your Face Reveals Everything

Did you know that your face reveals everything about you?  The expression on your face lets people know what type of mood you are in.  If you are in need of rest, your face will show signs of tiredness - such as dark skin under the eyes.  Your skin may even show when something in your body is not working quite right – jaundice, liver spots, lines, etc.  Were you aware that spots on your face could be a sign that you might have an overactive or congested liver or bladder?  This blog will hopefully help you become more in-tune with your body and will help you to stay looking young and energetic.

Do you have black or brown spots on your face that are the color of freckles or moles?  These spots have often been referred to as liver spots.  They might appear on the right or left side of the forehead, between the eyebrows or under the eyes.  Sometimes they might show up just above you right shoulder or between the shoulder blades.  The most prominent of these spots might show up on the back of the hands and forearms - often seen among middle aged and elderly people.  If you have some or all of these markings, it is quite possible that you might have gallstones in your liver and gallbladder, most people these days do with our Western diet and lack of inactivity.  Here is the good news people, none of this is permanent.  With a good diet, regular exercise, and the assistance of LED Therapy you too can have clear skin.

Tune in to my next blog where we continue with this subject and find out more ways to see if your liver and gallbladder might be causing some of these unwanted spots on your face.  And if a youthful look is what you are after, LED Therapy is a non-toxic, safe, and easy way to stay looking young and vibrant.  Take care and be well.