Thursday, August 16, 2012

Did You Know That Lemons can Make You look Younger

Most of us know that we should cut back on soft drink intake due to the amount of high fructose corn syrup (or “super sugar” as I call it). Many doctors suggest switching to water with lemon to help wean you off of the sugar explosion that soft drinks provide. What the doctor may not tell you is that lemon juice may actually keep your skin looking young. New research shows that lemons have many health benefits for internal and external use.

This wonder fruit harbors many medicinal uses. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon juice helps turn your body into an alkaline state. Drinking lemon water purges toxins from the blood which keeps the skin clear. Lemons balance your PH level by providing the body with high levels of vitamin C and potassium. This process can reduce acidosis and relieve arthritis, fibromyalgia and rheumatism. These are some of the positive benefits that lemons have to offer internally. Let’s talk about what they can do for our skin.

When applied directly to the skin, lemons work effectively to reduce acne, soften wrinkles, remove age spots, blemishes and scars, and can clean excess oil from the face. You can combine honey with lemon to relieve eczema, soothe a bug bite and make a natural insect repellant. Who knew lemons were this good for you?

If you currently use lemons to keep you healthy and your skin flawless and young, but haven’t had the desired results, there is still hope. New technology on the market that involves LED Light Therapy might interest you. Check out and see what the future has to offer you. Have a great day and enjoy some lemon water!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What to do for Minor Muscle Aches

Millions of people suffer daily with sore, achy muscles. Whether it’s your upper or lower back, an achy back can make your day long and arduous and leave you feeling a lot older than you really are.

Have you ever helped a relative or a friend move into a new house and the day after, you can barely move? This typically happens when you use muscles that haven’t been used in a long time, or muscle atrophy. One of the best home remedies for sore muscles is to take a 30-minute bath in hot water with Epsom salts. This will work wonders for your muscles and put you in a Zen-like relaxed state.

Another great way to loosen tight muscles is to drink a lot of water. And when I say a lot of water I am talking about eight-to-ten cups of water within 30 minutes. Most people walk around dehydrated and don’t even know it. When the body is dehydrated, it cannot carry out important tasks such as proper cognitive function, blood flow and waste elimination. The Mayo Clinic suggests that men should drink 3 liters of water a day while women should drink 2.2 liters of water a day. Water will also help to excrete the lactic acid that is being released from those sore muscles as you stretch and massage.

Streching and massaging your muscles can provide immediate relief for achy and tight muscles. This blog is too short to go into detail, but Google has a great webpage chock-full of pictures and illustrations of simple stretches –

When you stretch any part of the body or muscle group, make sure you hold the pose for 30 seconds otherwise you will not receive the desired effects. Here is a tip for a 30 second stretch - take long, deep breaths while you stretch. This will supply your muscles with oxygen causing the lactic acid to break up.

These are just a few Ideas to help sore muscles, but if you do not have time for stretching or 30 minute baths, try Red LED Light Therapy- a cutting edge way to relieve minor muscle aches, arthritis, joint aches and stiffness. I use it and it really works. Take care and drink your water every day!